Throughout the year, various events of an exhibition, cultural, religious and enogastronomic nature take place in the Hyblaean territory, which, in a baroque setting such as the one in the area, find themselves in a magical atmosphere. The festively decorated cities represent the event in the event. A rich calendar of fixed appointments that are promoted directly by local administrations or private associations to promote the clichés and places of a land that manages to amaze every visitor. There are so many, they are too many to list them all, so we made a short selection of events.



The mestizo festival from the Sicilian heart. For over twenty years hundreds of artists from all over the world reach the baroque citadel of Ragusa Ibla to give life to the popular festival of Ibla Buskers. Now in its XXIII edition, the Festival is today one of the major cultural events in southern Italy and has about 60,000 visitors per year, maintaining its original craft spirit always able to recreate that magical alchemy between artists and public in the natural stage of the streets and squares of Ragusa Ibla.



Modica makes party to celebrate the chocolate and tell the story, the goodness, the authenticity of this treasure, ancient and always new, transforming their spaces and making them even sweeter, aggregating people, talking with historians and experts, having fun putting hands in paste (of cocoa), together with all the greedy and the curious of good things of centuries-old tradition. Many conventions, workshops, presentations, games, workshops, events, shows, demonstrations, entertainment, more and more beautiful and engaging are organized for three days. Tourists and residents, tasters and producers, come down in the square to take part in the same game.


The farewell to the summer is celebrated on the second Saturday of September. An event to greet the good season that comes to the end. A rich program with tastings of typical products of Ragusa, shows in the square, ecological initiatives and many new features every year. But the most impressive spectacle is certainly the pyrotechnic one, visible on the entire coast of Marina di Ragusa. There are three fireworks companies competing with each other, performing in pyrotechnic games directly on the sea. It will then be a special jury to award the winning company a cash prize plus the cup.



The IBLA Foundation in New York City organizes a competition for pianists, singers, instrumentalists and composers held every year in Ragusa Ibla in Sicily. The winners were presented at the Lincoln Center Alice Tully Hall and Carnegie Hall in New York City, Tokyo Opera City Hall, Tchaikovsky Bolshoi Hall in Moscow as well as other prestigious universities in the USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, Indonesia and Japan.



On the occasion of Easter Sunday, Scicli celebrates with a majestic and very experienced procession that finds its climax at the time of the return of the "Stunnardu" (the banner). A crowd of young people, crowded, raise the statue of the "Living Man" on their arms and at the sound of the hymn of Busacca, proceeds, with a backward-forward gait, from inside the church to the churchyard where it finally appears, and is visible to the "floor of the Cònsolo" the beautiful statue of the Risen Christ.



Living Nativity is the most important winter appointment of Giarratana and among the most important of the Christmas Ibleo. Set between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, it faithfully represents the daily life of that time, reappropriating itself from places and traditions that have been forgotten. And here, at nightfall, in the glow of oil lamps and candles, animate alleys, houses and shops.
Visitors who come in large numbers, join groups along a pre-established path in which the "living pictures" have an appropriate frame, where crafts, costumes, household utensils and work tools are strictly original of the time. From this world of humble and simple, there is a sacredness that reaches its climax in the last scene, set 2000 years ago and represented at the top of the inhabited area among the ruins of the Castello dei Marchesi Settimo, ancient Lords of Giarratana, popularly called " U Castieddu ".



The festival, promoted by the Barocco Eventi association, offers the most frenetic rhythms to an audience that loves having fun dancing one of the most typical dances of Southern Italy. Two groups alternate on the big stage, between sounds, lights and the extraordinary suggestion of the church of San Bartolomeo that imposing towers over the quarry closed by the hills. The "Taranta Sicily Fest" is characterized by the meeting of sounds and rhythms between Sicily and Puglia. A music that, despite having ancient roots, presents itself as a reinterpretation of typical forms of popular musical culture in relation to an expressiveness and a modern and current identity, made of rhythms, harmonies and melodies, which are released without limits.



In Chiaramonte the carnival folklore dominates for the four days of celebration. In the city a sort of medieval look is restored. The ancient masks parade between music, dances and jokes. About a thousand people involved and engaged in the creation of scenic proposals, structures and costumes to wear. Two masked appointments that will then make room for the grand ball in Piazza Duomo and an entire evening dedicated to the Sausage Festival. The delicious sausage, typical product of the local culinary culture, is cooked on the embers on a live fire in the square, in according to the gastronomic dictates of the ancient culinary traditions, thus allowing citizens and tourists to taste the famous dish.



One of the 2 patronal feasts of the municipality of Ibleo, certainly the most spectacular and which registers most of the faithful of the place and outside.On the Roman calendar the feast of the saint falls on 23 April, but the festivities are always held on the last Sunday of May or also at the beginning of June.
The festival of the knight Giorgio is certainly rich in folk tradition and folklore, it is the festival of fireworks, the ballad of the saint, the musical performances and also the so-called "martiriu".



The festival organizes "sensory laboratories of taste" in the company of qualified technicians of the sector and also culinary tastings at equipped stands. The spearhead of the event is the involvement of national and international artists and the presence of over 100 Italian and foreign craft beers. The evocative location of the event is the historic center of upper Ragusa that even provides the setting up of a stage in the main square with performances and concerts.


scale del gusto

The festival of food and wine and culture is organized between the stairs of the baroque of Ragusa Ibla, pearl of the Val di Noto and recognized World Heritage Site by UNESCO. A sensory journey to tell and discover the changes taking place in the world of agriculture and food and wine and an opportunity to create a point of direct contact between consumers and producers of local excellence. In addition to the many companies that exhibit their products, there are also tastings, outdoor dinners, cooking classes, guided tours, training meetings and food information, concerts and artistic performances.




  • Ciappi di pomodoro
  • Lolli co maccu
  • Ravioli di ricotta con sugo di maiale
  • Messicani
  • Caponata d'inverno
  • Scaccia Ragusana
  • Mpanata
  • Pizzolo di Sortino
  • Scaccione di Monterosso
  • Sfoglio di Ricotta
  • Ragusano D.O.P.
  • Cannolo siciliano
  • Cassata Ragusana
  • Capuliato
  • Viscotta scaurati
  • Mpagnuccata
  • Viscotta ca cannella
  • Granita
  • Giuggiulena
  • Cioccolato di Modica
  • Mpanatigghi